

Mom and Dad visit Jacksonville Part 2

Day of of adventuring with Mom and Dad took us up to Amelia Island, Florida. It's the same place where Taylor and I went to the BBQ competition and bought boiled peanuts while exploring the back roads.

When we got to Amelia Island we found ourselves heading into Fort Clinch State Park where Taylor and I showed Mom and Dad how to find shark's teeth and we played bocce ball.

On our way out from the shore we found a little armadillo snuffling through the grass beside the wood walkway. It was the first time I'd ever seen a live armadillo and they're really cool little creatures. At one point we scared him up the walkway and his feet sound like little dinosaur feet. Apparently they are carriers of lots of different diseases, so while I had zero interest in getting close I was able to get a couple pictures.

We then walked along the quiet main street of Fernandina Island where we bought some salted caramel ice cream. It was a really salty ice cream, which was a lot of fun and when I hit a pecan it tasted just like pecan pie. I really must be southern that I am obsessing over that right now.

From here we went and watched the sunset while eating fried alligator. I was a little disappointed to not have it taste weird, but it did taste really good.

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